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Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO)...

Barbara Kingsolver's essay called "A Fist in the Eye of God" is the best explanation of what Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), and the global implications. It is printed in her book of essays called Small Wonders, a wonderful and relevant book you should read. I include a link to the essay here. A Fist in the Eye of God.
CR Lawn's writings- CR Lawn works at Fedco Seeds, and has a useful collection of writings on the topic of GMO. He speaks on the dangers of GMO seed and the "terminator gene". Here is his essay called "We are as Gods?", which he ends with a striking notation from the Whole Earth Catalog...'We can't put it together. It is together."

Cooperative Research Organization, look here for more information on the topic. I need to research it more thoroughly, but this may also be a good organization to support, if their fundraising supports farmers involved in GMO-related lawsuits.
Percey Schmeizer's website. Percey Schmeizer is a Canadian Canola farmer who was attacked by Monsanto and sued for using their Roundup-Ready Canola seed. The problem is that Percey didn't want their seed, it blew in the wind onto his fields, tainting his own seed, which he had been nurturing for many years. You might wonder who is violating who, here. Percey took up the fight against Monsanto and his case went all the way to the Canadian Supreme Court, to determine if a corporation can declare ownership of a living seed. Go to his website to learn more.
What I want to know is this...why was Percy forced to defend himself, along with so many other farmers? Why wasn't he suing Monsanto, for tainting his seedcrop? If oil spills off a boat in the ocean, spreading with the tide, it is an environmental impact. The company pays. It needs to be cleaned up, its a hazard. They don't say "Our oil is on this beach, now we own the beach. Now you need to pay us for possessing our oil without a contract." So GMO seed blows in the wind, instead of the tide, it washes up onto Percy's fields. It contaminates his seed. It cannot be washed away. Monsanto should be penalized for their spill. They do not own Percy's field, his crop. He is not in violation, Monsanto is. Why isn't this clear as day?