--Connect to your food…
Receive fresh organic produce direct from our farm. We are Certified Organic and use sustainable farming practices. We want to help you eat seasonally and locally, and fresh. As food security issues continue to hit the news stands, we can feel reassured that we know our food source and participate in its process. It travels zero food miles and less than 24 hours waiting between harvest and pickup. Nobody and no land is poisoned with chemicals to produce our food. A farm is thriving in our community because we have come together to make it so.
--Connect to your community…
Join together to create farm community. The CSA brings together people with similar values and goals. Meeting at CSA pickups, events and on the field, as well as online, we become a community. And we sense a desire within some of our membership to focus on some similar core values—the value of self-sufficiency, simpler and balanced living, local food sources, and preserving the harvest. Together, we can work on this vision and these skills. We hope to offer more events and perhaps classes to learn the skills we need, together. Our Tomato Canning Day is a popular member event. Aspiring to cook at home more? Learn about new vegetables? Preserve some of the harvest? Other country living or self-sufficiency skills? We can do it together.
--Connect to the land…
Participate in on-farm events and hands-on environmental education. We believe people need a connection with the land, with their community, and certainly, with their food sources. Kids (and adults!) need to know where their food is grown and how. CSA members are invited to CSA events and work days on the farm, to participate in the growing of their food, to help out, to learn gardening skills, to meet other CSA members, and to have a good time together. Come to our Potato Digging Parties and eat a harvest meal together in the garden.
Contact Ilene and indicate which of the following interests you:
* receive information about our heirloom tomato seedling sale
* receive information about the CSA, to receive a share of the harvest
* buy a Veggie Bag for a taste of the CSA, as available
Thank you for supporting local farms!
For more information, or to join our email list,
call Ilene or Phil at 301-607-4048 or email
© 2011 House in the Woods Farm includes all text and photos on this webpage except where credited otherwise.