Picture of the House and grounds

Organizations to Support...
Grassroots strength with charitable donations, voice your mind with your money

Want to make some charitable contributions this year that really make a difference on these topics? I recommend supporting any of the .org non-profits that are linked and referenced on our website. Here are some of our suggestions:
Organic Consumers- this national organization is in the forefront of organic and GMO politics. They provide an excellent email newsletter.
PASA- Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture. Not only presenter of an excellent regional conference, but an organization worthy of your financial support if you want to fund the re-creation of our country's food system into a local and sustainable one.
ADD LINKS: (under construction) Red Wiggler Foundation Local Harvest Weston Price Foundation, legal defense Class Acts Percey Schmeizer support Know an organization that I should list here? Let me know about it. Let's grow this list and really make a difference on these issues with our charitable donations. Grassroots power, I want to know who to raise money for, so that farmers have a pool of funds and an organization to defend them from destructive corporations.