Organizations to Support... Grassroots strength with charitable donations, voice your mind with your money
Want to make some charitable contributions this year that really make a difference on these topics? I recommend supporting any of the .org non-profits that are linked and referenced on our website. Here are some of our suggestions: Organic Consumers- this national organization is in the forefront of organic and GMO politics. They provide an excellent email newsletter. PASA- Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture. Not only presenter of an excellent regional conference, but an organization worthy of your financial support if you want to fund the re-creation of our country's food system into a local and sustainable one. >
ADD LINKS: (under construction)
Red Wiggler Foundation
Local Harvest
Weston Price Foundation, legal defense
Class Acts
Percey Schmeizer support
Know an organization that I should list here? Let me know about it. Let's grow this list and really make a difference on these issues with our charitable donations. Grassroots power, I want to know who to raise money for, so that farmers have a pool of funds and an organization to defend them from destructive corporations.