Frederick News Post March 23, 2003
This front page Sunday edition article about the National Organic Standards highlights House in the Woods Farm.
The Washington Post March 26, 2003
The Washington Post has kindly promoted CSA for two years in a row, with a feature article in the Food Section in May 2002, followed by this column in March 2003. Both years listed many of the CSA Farms in our area, and has helped all the local CSA's sell out of shares. Inquire early to join a CSA, and recruit more farmers to offer them! This list is still an excellent resource for those seeking a CSA to join.
Japan Agricultural News January, 2003
House in the Woods Farm was featured in a series of four articles in this newspaper in Japan. It is fun to see our photograph surrounded by the beautiful Japanese lettering. Contact Ilene for a translation. Click here soon for a link to an excerpt of the article.